Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Giving credit where credit is due!

Ah, Mommy brain. Don't we all love it?

The more I get into the blogging world, the more cool things I find! I always make a serious effort to credit blogs from which I borrow great ideas, but I forgot to mention Cassie's blog. I immediately snatched up the "Always. Sometimes. Never" from her and I'm sure I'll steal some other great ideas from this fabulous blog friend.

She also recently took some family pics of my little gaggle and I can't wait to share them! As soon as I have them in my hot little hands (well, hot little laptop), you'll be the first to see. As usual, I have Jill to thank for introducing me to Cassie and her photography. Jill provides me with more awesome ideas than anyone I know! Love you, friend!

I've got one more Colorado trip post to come...stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. I, too, think it's fun to read those posts from Cassie. They ALWAYS leave me thinking about what my post like that would say...I SOMETIMES come up with ideas, but I NEVER think of enough things to make an interesting post. :)
